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ISAE-SUPAERO is a higher education and research Institute located in Toulouse, France. Overseen by the French Ministry of Defence, ISAE-SUPAERO was created from the merger of two renowned French engineering schools, SUPAERO and ENSICA.

The Institute delivers the following educational programs:

  • The ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO program,
  • The joint CNAM-ISAE apprenticeship or co-op program,
  • An International Masters Program in Aerospace Engineering,
  • 6 Research Masters Programs,
  • 15 Advanced Masters Programs,
  • 6 Doctoral schools,
  • Continuing education programs.

Students accepted into the ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO program are selected on the basis of their results on the Mines-Ponts competitive exam common to the most selective engineering schools in France. Since 2015, the Institute has been educating these students within the framework of a new common ISAE-SUPAERO engineering curriculum.

ISAE-SUPAERO is a school of application of l'Ecole Polytechnique and in particular it trains engineers of the armaments corps. It also trains military engineers with an aeronautics specialization once the latter have completed a first year at another French engineering school, ENSTA Bretagne, in Brest, France.

In 2011, ISAE founded Groupe ISAE with the engineering school, ENSMA. In 2012, Groupe ISAE was joined by ESTACA and by l'Ecole de l'Air.

The Institute also delivers continuing education through its subsidiary, EUROSAE.

Video École nationale supérieure de l'aéronautique et de l'espace


ISAE-SUPAERO has the following missions: o To educate engineers in the aeronautics and space fields and in related areas o To engage in scientific research and technological Innovation o To deliver specialized graduate education and continuing education programs o To deliver doctoral programs and national degrees equivalent or superior to the Masters degree.

Maps École nationale supérieure de l'aéronautique et de l'espace

Legal status and organization

ISAE was created by decree 2007-1384 of 24 September, 2007.

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence, and overseen by the DGA (the French Government Defence procurement agency), the Institute is a public institution with a scientific, cultural, and professional vocation. It is governed by articles R.3411-1 to R.3411-28 of the Defence Code and is accredited by the Engineering Education Commission. ISAE SUPAERO also delivers national Doctorate and Masters degrees and Advanced Masters degrees accredited by la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, an organization whose members are the most prestigious business and engineering schools in France.

The Institute is governed by an Executive Board of 27 members, headed by the President. The Board meets three times a year. The Institute also has an educational board, a research board, and a continuing education board Members of the advisory boards come from within the Institute and academia and industry.

ISAE-SUPAERO has implemented an ISO 9001 quality management system (2008 version) for all of its activities (education, research and support).


History of ENSAE (École nationale supérieure de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, or the National School of Aeronautics and Space) or "SupAéro"

The historic logo of the former SUPAERO school: the owl, associated with the Greek Goddess, Athena, is a symbol of knowledge. Today, the owl is still part of the ISAE SUPAERO logo.

In 1909, Colonel Jean-Baptiste Roche, a civil engineering officer and a graduate of l'Ecole Polytechnique, had the foresight and vision to anticipate the needs and future scope of the aeronautics industry in the world. Colonel Roche was the founder of l'École supérieure d'aéronautique et de constructions mécaniques, or the Higher School of Aeronautics and Mechanical Construction in Paris.

In 1930, the latter became « l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Aeronautics », under the leadership of the renowned French engineer, Albert Caquot, and in 1972 it became l'Ecole nationale supérieure de l'aeronautique et de l'espace, or the Higher School of Aeronautics and Space, better known as "SUPAERO". Also in 1930, the School moved to more modern buildings in « la Cité de l'Air », located boulevard Victor in Paris.

In 1968, SUPAERO moved to the vast aerospace hub of Toulouse-Lespinet, in the heart of a stimulating higher education and research environment, right near l'Ecole nationale de l'aviation civile, the School of Civil Aviation (ENAC), which was also transferred to Toulouse the same year. In 1970, the former Paris premises of the School were home to l'École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées (ENSTA ParisTech or the Higher School of Advanced Techniques ), until the latter moved to new premises on the campus of l'École Polytechnique in Palaiseau. They were transformed into the Conference Center of the Ministry of Defence.

Several research laboratories were created in affiliation with the School and regrouped around the Toulouse ONERA center. Today, affiliated with the School, it conducts theoretical and applied research in defence in a wide range of fields including aerodynamics, automatic control, advanced robotics, aerospace electronics, computer systems, aerospace vehicles, aerospace mechanics, and propulsive systems.

In 1975, SUPAERO was one of the first engineering schools in France to be accredited to deliver the doctoral degree.

In 1994, SUPAERO became a public body with legal personality reporting to the Ministry of Defence. In practice, the Institute is overseen by the DGA, Directorate General of Armaments (French Defence procurement agency) and under the direction of an "ingénieur général de l'armement".

History of ENSICA (École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de constructions aéronautiques)

ENSICA was created in Paris at the time of the Liberation, under the name, « École nationale des travaux aéronautiques » (ENTA or the National School of Aeronautical Construction), in accordance with article 8 of the law on finance of 1946. The first graduating class included 25 students who would join the military corps of engineers specialized in aeronautics.

By decree of June 4th, 1957, the name of the School was changed to "l'École nationale d'ingénieurs des constructions aéronautiques (ENICA or the National School of Aeronautics Engineers). The degree program was extended to three years with a new focus on industry and a larger share of civilian students.

In 1961, ENICA was relocated to Toulouse. Under the leadership of the Director, Émile Blouin, the School acquired its own identity and a new dimension. The geographic link was cut with SUPAERO, which until then had housed the school on its premises, Boulevard Victor, in Paris. The building of a new student center on campus helped create a cohesive identity and bring together the different graduating classes.

In 1969, the School was affiliated with the common competitive exam for the top ranking engineering schools (ENSI). In 1979, the school was honored with the Medal of Aeronautics, awarded by the Engineer General of Armaments, Georges Bousquet. The same year, the School became known as l'école nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de constructions aéronautiques (ENSICA or the Higher National School of Aeronautics Construction Engineers).

Creation of ISAE in 2007

In 2007, ENSAE SupAéro merged with ENSICA to create a single institution: l'Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, or ISAE which brings together the two former schools' resources and facilities in one common organization. In 2015, the ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO degree program gave its name to the all school, which became ISAE-SUPAERO. As of the summer of 2015, all of the Institute's facilities are now located together on the Rangueil campus.

The ISAE-SUPAERO curriculum

Educational program

The ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO degree program includes a core science and engineering curriculum, along with elective courses, and a choice of different areas of specialization. Students complete a number of projects across the curriculum including: the creativity and innovation project, the research innovation project and the enterprise engineering project. The core curriculum is composed of courses in the sciences, the humanities, engineering and management. In third year, students choose to specialize in one of the following areas: fluid dynamics, structures and materials, earth observation and space science, information technology, telecommunications and networks, decision making sciences, and signals and systems. The Institute has many academic partnerships with the top international universities such as MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, UIUC Illinois, KTH Stockholm, Polytechnique Montréal, Cranfield University, Imperial College London, Politécnica de Madrid, TU Munich, Stuttgart, BUAA Pékin, EPFL Lausanne, and ETHZ Zürich, among others. Students have extensive opportunities to complete double degree programs or a semester abroad. Students may diversify and expand their skills thanks to a wide offering of complementary certificate courses and double degree programs.

Renowned alumni

  • Raoul Badin, S1910, inventor of the Badin, an instrument used to measure the speed of an aircraft
  • Henri Coand?, S1910, Romanian designer of the first jet plane
  • Henry Potez, S1911, builder of planes and founder of Potez Aeronautique
  • Marcel Dassault, S1913, builder of planes, founder of Dassault Aviation
  • Maurice Hurel, S1921, builder of planes
  • Alexander Kartveli, S1922, originally from Georgia, an expatriate in France and then the United States, designer of among others, Seversky P-35, P-47 Thunderbolt, F-84 Thunderjet and Thunderflash and F-105 Thunderchief.
  • René Couzinet, S1927, builder of planes
  • Henri Ziegler, X1926, S1931, a leading resistant during WWII, chef d'état-major of the FFI, Air force officer and test pilot, former director of Bréguet Aviation and of l'Aérospatiale
  • Henri Desbruères, X1927, S1932, former President of Snecma and former President of Bull-General Electric
  • Guy du Merle, X1927, S1932, former Director of l'École nationale de l'aviation civile (National School of Civil Aviation) from 1948 to 1951
  • François Hussenot, X1930, S1935, inventor of the black box
  • Jean Boulet, X1940, S1944, former test pilot for aircraft and helicopters, known for having beaten many records
  • Serge Dassault, X1946, S1951, ingénieur de l'armement, former President of groupe Dassault, senator, Mayor of Corbeil-Essonnes from 1995 to 2009, son of Marcel Dassault, himself S1913 (see supra)
  • Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, X1965, S1970, figher pilot, ingénieur général de l'armement, General Director of Civil Aviation from 1990 to 1993, Executive Director of groupe Air France-KLM from 2009 to 2011
  • Bernard Ramanantsoa, S1971, President of HEC (the most renowned business school in France) till 2015
  • Laurent Collet-Billon, S1974, General Delegate of Armaments
  • Jean-Paul Herteman, X1970, S1975, Armaments Engineer, President of the Board, groupe Safran
  • Pierre Fabre, S1975, President of Snecma
  • Charles Champion, S1978, former Director of the Airbus A 380 program, Head of Operations at Airbus, appointed Head of Engineering Airbus and member of Airbus Executive Committee in 2010
  • Jean-François Clervoy, X1978, S1983, astronaut (three missions on the American space shuttle)
  • MarwanLahoud, X1984, S1989, Delegate General Director for strategy and marketing of groupe Airbus and President of GIFAS
  • Thomas Pesquet, S2001, engineer at CNES, fighter pilot and astronaut (on board the International Space Station from November 19, 2016)
  • Vincent Lecrubier, S2011, competition kayaker (7e en K2 500m (finalist) at the 2008 Olympic Games in Pekin)
  • Pascal Vasselon, 2000-2004 Michelin Competition, Director F1, since 2010 Toyota MotorsportGmbH, Technical Director

Master of Science

ISAE-SUPAERO delivers a Master of Science, the Aerospace Engineering MSc, open to students with an international university degree equivalent to a Bachelor of Science. A two year program, delivered entirely in English, this degree may be followed by completion of a doctoral thesis. Faculty include ISAE-SUPAERO professors and experts from academia and industry.

Advanced Masters

ISAE-SUPAERO offers 16 Advanced Masters programs accredited by the CGE, the Association of France's top ranking engineering schools. A professionally oriented, post-Masters, degree-awarding program, the Advanced Masters is delivered over two semesters:

  • One semester of theoretical courses combined with completion of a personal project,
  • One semester in a company with completion of a professional thesis.

Advanced Masters programs are designed for students who have already earned an engineering degree or University Master's degree or young professionals with at least three years' professional experience. The one year program provides students with expertise in a specific aerospace-related field. ISAE-SUPAERO programs include: 16 advanced masters in engineering in aeronautics, space, embedded systems and management

  • ADVANCED MASTER® Helicopter Aircraft and Drone Architecture (HADA) - Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Advanced Manufacturing Processes for Aeronautical Structures (AMPAS)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Aeronautical Maintenance and Support (AMS)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Aerospace Project Management (APM)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness (ASAA)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Embedded Systems (EMS)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Space Communication Systems (SCS)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Systems Engineering (SEN)
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Aeronautical Engineering (TAS Aero)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Space Systems Engineeering (TAS Astro)- Taught in English
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Experimental Flight Test engineering (IEVex)
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Large Project Management (MGP)
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Aeronautics and Space structures (SAS)
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Systems of Aerospace Propulsion (SPA)
  • ADVANCED MASTER ® Space Applications & Services (SPAPS)
  • ADVANCED MASTER® "Telecommunications and networks for Aeronautics and Space" (TERA)

A few alumni

  • Didier Evrard, MS SupAero 1976, ECL, Executive Vice President Airbus and Airbus A350 Program Director
  • Luca Parmitano, Masters IEVEx ISAE 2009, Italian, fighter pilot, astronaut European Space Agency

Doctoral Programs

In 1975, SUPAERO was one of the first engineering schools accredited to deliver the doctoral degree. The doctoral program is organized within doctoral schools. The program includes training in and through research and innovation. It is based on completion of a professional research experience, and following the thesis defence, leads to obtaining the title of Doctor. The doctoral schools bring together research units and teams from different institutions, generally located on the same geographic site. ISAE SUPAERO participates in the following six doctoral schools of l'Université de Toulouse:

  • Aeronautics and Astronautics (EDAA), of which ISAE-SUPAERO is the leading institution
  • Electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications (GEET),
  • Mathematics, information technology and telecommunications of Toulouse (MITT),
  • Mechanical engineering, energetics, civil engineering, processes (MEGEP),
  • Sciences of the Universe, the environment and space (SUEE),
  • Systems (EDSYS).

200 doctoral students are currently registered at ISAE SUPAERO and are completing their doctoral theses within these doctoral schools, either in different research or teaching departments of the Institute, or under the auspices of partner organizations (mainly ONERA).


The scientific policy of ISAE-SUPAERO for aeronautics and space systems is based on five key areas :

  • Integrated design for system performance and operational safety
  • Models and optimization for energy efficiency, the environment and competitiveness
  • Earth observation, monitoring of the environment and space exploration
  • Telecommunications, networks and resilient connected cyber-physical systems
  • Data analysis, decision making sciences and complexity control

Teaching and Research Departments

At ISAE-SUPAERO, the Department of Research and Educational Resources (DRRP) is organized into six research and teaching departments :

  • Aerodynamics, Energetics and Propulsion (DAEP)
  • Aerospace Vehicles Design and Control (DCAS)
  • Mécanique des Structures et Matériaux (DMSM)
  • Complex Systems Engineering (DISC)
  • Electronics, Optronics and Signal Processing (DEOS)
  • Humanities and Languages (LACS)

Continuing education activities


EUROSAE is a continuing education organization and a subsidiary of ISAE-SUPAERO and ENSTA ParisTech. EUROSAE offers training programs to technicians, engineers, and managers in science and technology, engineering, business administration and management. ISAE-SUPAERO also offers Advanced Masters programs, specialized certificate courses, ISAE-SUPAERO short training sessions, preparation for PMI certification, and short training programs with EUROSAE.


ISAE-SUPAERO is located in Toulouse along the Canal du Midi on the Rangueil scientific campus. The Institute's campus is surrounded by numerous other higher education institutions and research organizations including ONERA, CNES, CNRS, CREPS, ENAC, INSA and Paul Sabatier University. In addition to three amphitheatres, classrooms, the IT center, a library and research laboratories, the campus has six student housing residences (1000 units), where most students live, and extensive athletic facilities.

Student life

Clubs and associations

ISAE-SUPAERO has around one hundred student clubs and associations covering a huge range of cultural, artistic, social and athletic activities.

The Alumni Association : l'Amicale ISAE-SUPAERO-ENSICA

The 21500 alumni from SupAéro and ENSICA as well as those from other higher education programs delivered by ISAE SUPAERO, have formed a common Alumni Association, ISAE-SUPAERO-ENSICA. This association, a public interest entity, brings together the heritage, resources and specific networks of both former alumni associations, the SUPAERO association and the ENSICA engineers alumni association. This evolution was approved by the Ministery of the Interior by decree of July 10, 2009, published in the official journal of July 21st. This association, headquarters of which are in Paris, brings together graduates from both schools, whether they graduated before or after the creation of ISAE, as well as holders of other degrees delivered by ISAE. The Association also hosts the ISAE Executive Club, members of which support the development of ISAE in particular on the international level, through creation of chairs, among other things. This association is a member of CNISF.

Sponsorship of ISAE


Fondation ISAE-SUPAERO was created and recognized as a public interest entity in 2008. The mission of the Foundation is to contribute to the growth of ISAE SUPAERO. Since 2017, it has been presided over by Philippe FORESTIER (SUPAERO, 1974).

The Foundation works in close collaboration with ISAE SUPAERO, providing support to students and faculty. It has five key objectives:

  • Supporting research and education
  • Fostering excellence and innovative teaching
  • Expanding the international footprint of the Institute
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship
  • Promoting social diversity and equal opportunity (OSE l'ISAE-SUPAERO project)

The Foundation centralizes donations from companies and individuals (former students, parents of students, aerospace enthusiasts...) and thanks to its legal entity, it is entitled to accept donations and endowments.

With the help of the Foundation, since 2011, ISAE SUPAERO has run its first fund raising campaign, "Give Wings to their Passion". The goal: to consolidate the position of ISAE-SUPAERO as a world leader in aerospace education and research.

Funds raised under the aegis of this campaign help finance diverse projects and initiatives: mobility grants for students and faculty, thesis awards, subsidies for student projects, teaching and research programs, support for entrepreneurial projects, financing of new infrastructures....

Corporate Chairs

ISAE-SUPAERO develops its research and teaching partnerships through creation of sponsorship chairs, in particular through Fondation ISAE SUPAERO:

  • The « Cristal » Chair with Astrium, CMOS Image Sensors for Space Applications
  • The « Safran - HEC - ISAE » Chair on Management of Innovative Programs - applied to the aerospace sector, with the possibility of completing a double degree, « Engineering and Management» from SUPAERO (5 year program).
  • The "CESEC" Teaching Chair, Critical Embedded Systems, with the Fondation Airbus Group, INSA Toulouse and INP-ENSEEIHT
  • The "CEDAR" Chair with Airbus Planes (Chair for eco-design of aircraft), which led to creation of "The Aeronautics and Environment" program open to engineering students from Groupe ISAE.
  • The AXA Research Fund Chair, Research on Human Factors and Neuro-ergonomics for Air Safety
  • The "ITE" or Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Chair with École polytechnique, Zodiac Aerospace and BNP Paribas,
  • The Nuclétudes Chair, Impact of the Radiating Environment on Design of Aerospace Systems
  • The ITA - TAS International Teaching Chair, Small Satellite Platforms
  • The Dassault Aviation Chair, Aircraft Systems Architecture with Man in the Loop
  • The ARISE Thales Teaching Chair, Architecture and Engineering of Embedded Systems
  • The ISAE - SAFRAN Chair, Innovative Propulsive Architectures

References and footnotes

See also

  • List of aerospace engineering schools

External links

  • ISAE-SUPAERO website
  • SUPAERO alumni association

Source of article : Wikipedia