Springwood High School, located in Lanett, Alabama, United States, is a private school serving around 300 students in grades K4-12. Founded in 1970.
Springwood is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Southern Association of Independent Schools.
Video Springwood High School (Alabama)
Currently, 86% of junior high and high school students participate in one or more sports during the school year. To be eligible to participate, the student must first concentrate on their academic standing.
Maps Springwood High School (Alabama)
Fine Arts
The fine arts curriculum is offered beginning at the K4 level continuing through grade 12. The fine arts faculty consistently works to integrate all subjects through the teaching of the fine arts disciplines: band, drama, music and visual fine art.
In performing arts, Springwood students have many opportunities. Students in grades 3-6 may take part in the Elementary chorus in addition to their individual grade level music classes. All fourth grade students are required to take part in learning and performing on the Recorder as an introduction to instrumental music. Instrumental music is continued in the fifth grade with Beginning Band and sixth grade Intermediate Band. At the seventh through twelfth grade levels, Springwood offers performing arts in which a student would participate in as many as his or her schedule will allow. A student may participate in Concert Band, Jazz Band and Pep Band, Chorus, and the Drama program.
Visual Arts Beginning at the K4 level, students are required to take visual arts through the ninth grade. Ninth through twelfth grade students may elect to participate in the visual arts studio classes in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional art, and Graphic Design. Students seeking advanced classed are encouraged to Advance Placement courses in Drawing Portfolio, 2D Portfolio, and or 3D Portfolio. Students in the eleventh grade are required to take one semester of Art Appreciation to enhance their well-roundness and perspective on the world around them.
K4 through ninth grade visual art classes focus on teaching through sequential learning a strong foundation in the language of art, tools, different media, processes and techniques, critical analysis and thinking skills. Students are encouraged to "think outside the box" in the visual arts. In addition, students hone their writing skills in the visual arts through written critiques.
Performing Arts At the junior high and high school levels, drama is offered as both a formal classroom activity as well as an after-school extracurricular activity. In addition to being trained in the basics of stage performance, students have the opportunity to perform in and to assist in the production of a full-length play in the fall, to compete in the AISA Drama Festival held annually in January, and to perform in the annual talent show/dinner theater in March. The latter of these events encourages participation of elementary students. Training in the dramatic arts is an ongoing activity as the preparations for performances and competitions take place throughout the school year.
External links
- Springwood School
Source of article : Wikipedia